Monday - Thursday: 9am - 7pm


Parents… Are you worried about your teen? Maybe part of you thinks what’s going on may be ‘normal teenage stuff’ but another part of you is really concerned.  Even if it does seem like, “just a phase”, it’s just too much for things to go on the way they have been lately. Are you feeling overwhelmed by the stress and anxiety of the day-to-day of parenting them?

I’m an experienced, licensed psychotherapist whose been in full-time private practice for 11 years, and I work with teens, young adults, adults, and families.

Together, we can help find solutions that may have escaped your notice and increase happiness in your relationships, all in a safe, judgment-free environment for this work to take place.

Common reasons parents bring their teen to me for counseling:
  • Anxiety or depression – not seeming as happy as they used to be
  • Major life transitions – such as going from middle school to high school, high school to college, parental divorce or remarriage, death of a family member, or moving.
  • Sudden decline in grades or school performance or change in their interest and motivation level for these areas
  • Disrespect and defiance at home or school – getting in trouble more, seemingly impossible to communicate with or get them to do follow through on things
  • Withdrawal from family and friends, spending more time in their room
  • Significant changes in weight, appetite, energy level and/or sleep habits
  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering things
  • Change in peer group that then has parent(s)/ guardian(s) concerned
  • HSPs (Highly Sensitive Persons) who may benefit from help and guidance around navigating these aspects of self

If you would like to talk about your situation and whether therapy is right for your teenager or family, Please Reach Out Today.

Get Them Help
Online Resources
  • https://grownandflown.com/ – a helpful website for parents, with blog entries about high school and college.
  • calyouth.org – the California coalition for youth provides a 24 hour toll free number for teens in crisis or their parents who need crisis support for their teen.
  • www.nimh.nih.gov – this website has links for more information including teenage depression, substance use, and eating disorders
  • www.nami.org – specific mental health concerns (e.g., Depression, Bipolar Disorder)
  • https://www.actmindfully.com.au/acceptance_&_commitment_therapy – this website explains Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, which I also draw from in my work with clients